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Anxiety-Busting Hacks I Need in My Life

November 03, 2024 2 min read

Anxiety-Busting Hacks I Need in My Life - Pockets of Bliss

Anxiety is a common and natural emotion that we all experience—it plays an important role in keeping us alert to potential dangers. Healthy levels of anxiety help us stay focused and responsive in risky situations. However, for some of us, like myself, the “anxiety cup” fills up too quickly, causing an overflow of cortisol. This can make our fight-or-flight response overly active, even when there’s no immediate threat.

That's when anxiety starts to take hold of everyday life. It’s strange, but only recently did I realise that the tight chest I experienced continuously for about seven years—until I started taking sertraline—was actually anxiety manifesting in my body. For years, I thought it was something physical. I even went to A&E, consulted private specialists for lung tests, and became inseparable from my hot water bottle at home and in bed. But after going through a tough time last year, I started taking antidepressants, and the chest tightness has all but disappeared, except during anxious flare-ups.

This really shows how deeply mental health affects the body. My anxiety and depression didn’t just live in my mind—they were embedded in my entire being, manifesting through chest tightness, stomach pain, body aches, and even a huge loss of appetite.

After experiencing how distressing—and at times debilitating—anxiety can be, I decided to create an anxiety resource. Now, I’m no medical professional and don’t claim any medical expertise; this guide simply shares what has helped me personally manage my own anxiety. I hope it offers you some helpful ideas along your journey.

I hope this resource can support you, or if you know someone who may need it, please feel free to share. The best way to make a difference is by helping each other along the way.

Check out my Anxiety Resource Guide here

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