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Prioritising Wellbeing How to Support Yourself and Others on World Mental Health Day

October 10, 2024 3 min read

Prioritising Wellbeing How to Support Yourself and Others on World Mental Health Day - Pockets of Bliss

In May 2023, I hit a self-destruct button, plunging into months of deep depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I genuinely believed I was doomed to feel that way forever. It’s almost impossible to see light at the end of the tunnel when the darkness feels endless.

I went from being laid-back, chatty, and friendly to dreading my mobile phone, especially social media. I avoided people, stopped going out, cried every day, and walked around in a fog of despair. My daughter, with heartbreaking honesty, said I became like a zombie. She struggles to think about how unwell I became because it made her so sad.

Yet, every day, I forced myself to show up. Even in the depths of pain—yes, real, physical pain—I pushed myself to shower, brush my teeth, and get out of bed. These small acts were far from insignificant. They were the first steps on a difficult but essential path to healing.

Mental health struggles are nothing short of horrendous. If you haven’t experienced it, it’s hard to grasp the weight of the misery and sadness that consumes you. The isolation and hopelessness can feel all-encompassing.

In October 2023, after two months on antidepressants, I felt strong enough to begin planning Pockets of Bliss. And on 12th November 2023, we launched! Now, as we approach our one-year anniversary, I can look back and say: I’m doing well. I’m still on antidepressants but gently weaning off over a 6-8 week period. Anxiety still visits me, but the fog has lifted.

I’ve worked hard on myself—giving up alcohol and caffeine, practicing breathing exercises, and embracing different therapies. I’ve learned to say no to things that don’t serve me and to prioritise self-care. Adopting a rescue puppy was a blessing from above—she came into our lives when we needed her most, and her presence has been healing in ways I never expected.

If you compare me to where I was a year ago, the transformation is clear. I am still on my journey, but I am stronger, more aware, and, most importantly, I’ve learned how to show up for myself with love and patience.

On this World Mental Health Day, and the statistics are super sad; Mind says, 

We’re in the middle of a mental health crisis. 2 million people are currently stuck on waiting lists for NHS mental health services. Real people, being left behind by a broken mental health system. They need support now, not in 6 months’ time. Not in a year.

It's important to remember that mental health matters, for both ourselves and our loved ones. It's easy to get lost in the daily grind, but taking time to care for your mental wellbeing is crucial. Reach out and check in on the people you care about—sometimes a simple "how are you?" can make a world of difference.

If you're struggling, speak out. Don't keep your feelings bottled up. There is no shame in seeking help, whether it's through talking to someone close to you or booking that GP appointment you've been putting off. Websites like Mind and Samaritans provide valuable resources for guidance and support, and they're just a click away.

Get outside, walk in nature every day if you can. Fresh air and movement do wonders for your mind. If you're holding onto things like alcohol or drugs, now might be the time to consider letting them go—they often worsen the struggles you're facing. It’s also okay to reassess other parts of your life that could be contributing to your mental health. For me, I even stepped away from watching horror movies for a while because they impacted my thoughts, but this year, I’m back enjoying my favourite genre. It's all about finding what works for you, and that's perfectly okay.

Lean into any support available—you are not alone, even when it feels like you are. I know that feeling well; despite being surrounded by love, I often felt like the loneliest person in the room. But even in those moments, remember that people do care about you and are there to help you through it.

And most importantly, don’t give up. You are worthy of life, love, and laughter. Your mental health doesn't define you, and it certainly doesn't take away from the beauty this life has to offer. Keep fighting for your happiness, because you deserve to feel it deeply. There’s so much beauty and joy waiting for you to experience.

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